Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stockholm - The City

The weather did not cooperate for our weekend in Stockholm.  It was cold and overcast most of the time but the sun did come out from time to time. I was able to take some photos but not as many as I had hoped to shoot.
Stockholm is a pretty city with lots of statuesque buildings, beautiful parks and lots of waterfront all around.
It is also a very expensive city.  We paid $25 for a ten minute taxi ride and $80 for what was basically two pasta dishes and cokes.

This is a photo of the main street running along the harbor.  There were so many people out but unfortunately I did not capture the crowds. I was really struck by how many Asians live in Stockholm.  Proportionately speaking, I think I saw more Asians here than in the other countries we visited. I remembered that during and right after the Vietnam War, Sweden took in a much larger number of refugees than most other countries.

Walking around the city, we were struck by how pretty the city was,  a city within a park. There is a sense of space and relaxation .  Stockholm does not have a large population.  It has two million people. That is 25% of the country's population.

The Harbor

End of the day. End of our sightseeing.

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