Thursday, October 4, 2012

Holland - The Hague and Delft

We really enjoyed our stay in The Hague and the side trip we took to the town of Delft, home of the famous Delft dinnerware.  The places were fun and the Dutch were so laid back and welcoming.

The scene above is a traditional one and perhaps stereotypical Holland but there was so much more to see.

 The Academy's master likes to keep his bike in plain site.

 Is this really the best marketing strategy for a  cafe ?

 At last.  A place where girls can shop without being bothered by pesky boys.

The local optician thought the eyeglasses would improve on the world famous painting of the Girl With The Pearl Earring.

Actually, I still think cream cheese and bagels make a better combination .

The Delft Town Hall.  The day we visited  there was a marathon with hundreds of participants and we found ourselves dodging runners instead of the usual assortment of killer bike riders.

And the band played on !

And the crowd danced on !

And the Gouda stayed on !

Medi, my colleague, Paul,  and his wife, Gertrud, outside a furniture store.  I think I can understand 7 days more living but I am still struggling with 7 days more character.   A Dutch koan?

There were a number of stores selling "Delft Ware".  Some of the lamp-posts in town  were made of the same material.

The competition

For those not planning to buy Delft ware but who want to shop.