Saturday, June 11, 2011


The double decker bus is a sight I think everyone connects with London.

For me, the majesty of the buildings is also something I associate with London.  Recently, I also associate people standing outside the pubs in order to smoke .  Walking behind us I head one lady ask another if she had ever been to the pub in the picture.  She said  "I go there sometimes for one or two" . 

Smile when you bring that drink, pilgrim!

(Didn't John Wayne say that?)

 I will expect a smile when I go there for one or two.

Statue of Dwight Eisenhower .  I don't think the Brits will everf forget our help during WWll .

Memories of the war continue.

British understatment.  Every Marriott we stayed in had huge red letters declaring the building was a Marriott Hotel.  Here you had to look close to make sure it was the Marriott.

I love the cultural diversity of London. People from all over the empire live and work here.  One of my favorite cartoons showed people in every conceivable native costume in a clearly London setting . It was during the time Star Wars was popular.  The caption was "The Empire Comes Home"

Clearly the best part of London was that we got to see our daughter Karen.  She and her husband Kyle treated Medi to one of the best Mother's Day lunches ever.  Although busy as can be running her business, Cupcake,  Karen spent every free moment with us.   It was heaven.

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