Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tokyo- Friday - Kichijoji - Our Apartment

We went back to our old neighborhood in an area of the city called Kichijoji, famous for its beautiful park and lake, We had seen so much change in Tokyo, we hoped we could find our old apartment and maybe even meet our old landlord.

Baskin Robbins was our meeting point to meet our friends for dinner later in the day.  The line was long at 2 pm , even longer at 5 pm

First view of the lovely park that we would walk through to get to our apartment.

As frequently happens, the rowers run out of steam.

This temple was our landmark .

I just love the ancient design of Japanese bridges.

The it was . The steps leading to our apartment.

Our street

And finally, our apartment on the left and the landlord's house straight ahead.  However, the man who came to the door said our landlord - The Takahashi's  -had moved.  Medi was very fond of Mrs. Takahashi and was sad to not see her.

We continued our walk in the park and found the park had been "discovered ". Hundreds of more people were there than we remembered.

We came across the playground where I would swing Karen on the swings and she would shout "Higher, Daddy, higher"  Ally was just an infant at that time.

Later that evening  we came across this place and learned there was a chain of Pepper's throughout Tokyo.

All in all, it was a lovely nostalgic day.

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