Friday, February 15, 2013

Rangoon - The Sights

It seemed that anywhere I went there was a structure of wonder and spirituality.
Some were very large.

Some were smaller but more numerous.

Some people came on their birthday to wish for luck in the upcoming year by pouring a cup of water over the image equal to their age plus one cup for good luck.

Every person knows the day and hour of their birth.  There are eight statues to worship at , one for each day of the week except for Wednesday which has two images. The day and hour of birth shows the major and minor planet affecting their life and the planets determine everything in life.

Some go simply to pray

Some may check their Ipads to remember a long prayer.

Some like these novice nuns, some as young as five, may think all of life is for prayer.

Some may go simply to sell their skin lightening product which this girl at her small stall demonstrates.

Most, like this old monk,  go to the pagoda for spiritual, not commercial,  reasons.

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